Halo 5: Guardians - Story Topic

@Dante: Ähnlich, wie die "Logic Plague" der Flood zur Zeiten des Konfliktes mit den Forerunnern, kann Cortana sie auch einfach überzeugt haben. Da spielt es keine Rolle, ob "dumm" oder "smart".
"Dumme" KIs haben zwar auf den ersten Blick weniger von der Domain, doch auf den zweiten Blick, könnte man auch überlegen, ob man nicht die neuronale Vernetzungsrestriktionen von dummen KIs aufhebt, sie quasi alle "smart" macht. Man nimmt "dumme" KIs ja nur deswegen für z.B. Städtemanagement, weil man die nicht alle paar Jahre austauschen muss (und weil sie uU billiger sind).

@dmXbox: Das Video bringt nix, wenn die Türme schon da sind. Die pusten dich in unter 2s weg und du kannst denen nicht ausweichen im Freien. ES GEHT NICHT!

Ob sich KI's einfach davon einfach überzeugen lassen. Hmm da bin ich skeptisch. ^^ Wobei der Gravemind ja auch Medicant Bias überzeugt hat. Hat nur 50 Jahre gedauert. :ugly:

Und das mit den Wardens geht siehe meinen Clip :supergrins:
Alternativ gibts noch diese Variante für Solo Spieler ;) Wusste erst nach dem Video, dass man sie auch einfach mit dem Surpressor töten kann indem man ihnen Headshots gibt. Vorher hatte ich gedacht man kann ihnen nur von hinten Schaden zufügen


Edit: hab leider keine Ahnung wie ich Videos direkt hier einbinde :ugly:

Edit2 (by dmXbox): Bald nehme ich Geld dafür. Ne, besser. Wir ändern die Forenregeln dahingehend, dass jeder der versucht einen YT-Link zu posten ohne korrekt einzubinden automatisch 5 Euro in das HO-Einbettungs-Schwein werfen muss.

So geht es:


Und so sieht es dann aus:

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ja und? Was wird uns in HALO 6 erwarten?
Allianz gibts ja nicht mehr, also müssen irgendwie die Brutes her (Würde auch zur ähnlichkeit der Games passen ... H1 = H4, H2 = H5, H3 = H6)
Der Chief holt sich einen Rat bei der Bibliothekarin, wie man Cortana aufhalten kann. Eventuell eine Chance sie wieder zum alten "Sein" zu verhelfen?
Schön, dass noch wer die Spielreihenverbindung von sich aus erkannt hat neben mir. Tut gut das mal zu sehen.

Ich nehme an, dass man vllt einen "Teil" von Cortana bekämpft und ein anderer, kleiner Part von ihr hilft einem dabei. In jedem Fall ist sie nun zu mächtig und hat zu viele Leute aufm Gewissen, als dass man da ne Linie ziehen und Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen machen kann.
Andererseits wäre es sehr schade, wenn man den "Feind" besiegt und Blue Team, wie früher, einfach guns-blazing in den nächsten Einsatz rennen sieht zum Schluss.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
(Würde auch zur ähnlichkeit der Games passen ... H1 = H4, H2 = H5, H3 = H6)
Welche Ähnlichkeit? Und jetzt komm bitte nicht mit "Halo CE und H4 spielen beide auf einem neunen Planeten", das ist in meinen Augen jetzt nichts besonders...HCE hat ein ikonisches Symbol geschaffen, H4...naja, wird sich in 5 Jahren wirklich noch jemand an Requiem erinnern? :ugly:
Halo CE hat da Fundament für einen Millionenseller gelegt, H4 hat der Serie eher geschadet.
Halo hat mit Mystik und "Erkundung" gespielt, H4 war ein glitzernder Sci-Fi "Politthriller".
HCE hat Konsolenmultiplayer revolutioniert, H4 ist in der Bedeutungslosigkeit verschwunden..
WO sind da wirkliche Ähnlichkeiten? :ugly:
(Würde auch zur ähnlichkeit der Games passen ... H1 = H4, H2 = H5, H3 = H6)
HCE hat ein ikonisches Symbol geschaffen, H4...naja, wird sich in 5 Jahren wirklich noch jemand an Requiem erinnern? :ugly:
Gibt eben Leute wie mich, die finden die Story von Halo 4 sogar am besten und die werden sich sogar noch in 20 Jahren daran erinnern. Auch wenn es dir nicht passt.

Zu H6:
Cortana stammt von Halsey ab. Halsey selbst geht manchmal komische Wege um in Sachen Fortschritt und Wissen etwas neues zu entdecken. Wäre sie als Mensch in der Position von Cortana, also sprich diese Macht - Würde sie sicher auch durchknallen :D Team Blue scheinen ja die einzigen zu sein, die nicht von Cortana jemals getötet werden, wegen ihren Gefühlen. Denk mal, dass ist ne Chance "nahe" an sie ran zu kommen.

Was ist eigentlich mit dem Janus Schlüssel geworden? Oder die Bibliothekarin (& Guilty Spark..der lebt ja als BackUp noch in einer virtuellen Form.)
Der Janus soll wohl in den kommenden Eskalationstuffen behandelt werden. Wenn iteressiert der Spark, er hat kein wichtigen Wissens Stand. Zu H4, es ist eine sehr schöne Kampanie mit allem drum und dran, der MP hat nur spieltechnisch eine negative Rolle. Zu Bibliothekarin-und Cortana-Theorien habt ihr mein Segen. Als Halsey so jung wie ihr virtueller Abklatsch war, war sie genau so ambitioniert. Opfer statt Verschwendung, aber jetzt will sie nicht von ihrer eigenen Schöpfung bevormundet werden.
Auf reddit hat jemand seine eigene Fan-Story zu Halo 5 geschrieben. Die Kampagne wäre so genial gewesen, hätten wir das bekommen was er sich ausgemalt hat.

Hoffe wirklich das negative Storyfeedback zu Brian Reed wird bei 343i Ernst genommen und sie holen für H6 jemand besseren. Seine Schwächen waren ja bereits in Escalation 8-10 spürbar.

H4 fand ich von der Story eigentlich am besten aller Halo Teile. Dieser Konflikt um Chiefs Menschlichkeit war für mich absolut klasse, da der Chief endlich mal eine Charakterentwicklung vollzogen hat. Und der Didact war zwar etwas schnell abgehandelt, aber hatte unglaublich viel Potenzial.
Auf reddit hat jemand seine eigene Fan-Story zu Halo 5 geschrieben.
H4 fand ich von der Story eigentlich am besten aller Halo Teile. Dieser Konflikt um Chiefs Menschlichkeit war für mich absolut klasse, da der Chief endlich mal eine Charakterentwicklung vollzogen hat. Und der Didact war zwar etwas schnell abgehandelt, aber hatte unglaublich viel Potenzial.
Der Didact erinnerte mich an den fail von Star Wars E1... Darth Maul war so genial. Ende=Tod .. ah! Spoiler! :ugly:
Auf reddit hat jemand seine eigene Fan-Story zu Halo 5 geschrieben. Die Kampagne wäre so genial gewesen, hätten wir das bekommen was er sich ausgemalt hat.

Hoffe wirklich das negative Storyfeedback zu Brian Reed wird bei 343i Ernst genommen und sie holen für H6 jemand besseren. Seine Schwächen waren ja bereits in Escalation 8-10 spürbar.

H4 fand ich von der Story eigentlich am besten aller Halo Teile. Dieser Konflikt um Chiefs Menschlichkeit war für mich absolut klasse, da der Chief endlich mal eine Charakterentwicklung vollzogen hat. Und der Didact war zwar etwas schnell abgehandelt, aber hatte unglaublich viel Potenzial.

Die Story is echt gut. :kaffee: wobei auch die Story von Halo 5 wesentlich mehr Potential gehabt hätte..

Aber seis drum.. Mal sehen wie Escalation den Spagat schafft.. ^^ wird sicher net so einfach.

Bin auch schon gespannt was es mit dem Halo Ring am Ende auf sich hat, gibts da schon irgendwelche Ideen/Gerüchte?
Ich denke Halsey schaft es die Domain zu hacken. War BB eigentlich auch korrumpiert worden? Es trägt ja nicht jeder Mensch/Kl so starke soziopathische Charakterzüge in sich, wie es bei Cortana und Halsey der Fall offenbar ist.
Bin auch schon gespannt was es mit dem Halo Ring am Ende auf sich hat, gibts da schon irgendwelche Ideen/Gerüchte?
Ich würde sagen Cortana bringt die Ringe in Position, um ein weiteres Druckmittel zu haben. So kann sie nicht nur mit den Guardians Aufständische Welten zerstören, sondern gleich Alles Leben ausrotten, sodass nur die KIs überleben, sofern die Lebenden sich weigern dem Plan von Cortana zu fügen
Auf reddit hat jemand seine eigene Fan-Story zu Halo 5 geschrieben. Die Kampagne wäre so genial gewesen, hätten wir das bekommen was er sich ausgemalt hat.

Ich verstehe wirklich nicht wie das (Achtung das ist die Story die da steht)

"Lord Hood gives Fireteam Osiris their dangerous task."

Lord Hood recounts the events of “The Next 72 Hours” comic book in brief to Fireteam Osiris. Hood explains that since defeating the Didact, Blue Team have been AWOL, and nobody knows where they are. ONI has decided to pronounce the Master Chief KIA publicly so that any actions he takes can be downplayed as rumour, and not hurt the image of the Spartans. Hood assigns Osiris a Prowler, an AI named Charity, and full leave to use any tactics they feel necessary to find Blue Team and bring them in. He also briefs them on the outer-colony disasters caused by Forerunner technology in the past months, and warns them that some jumpy members of FleetCom believe Chief could be behind it. Hood suggests that they head to Sanghelios first, to see if the Arbiter has any knowledge of Blue Teams activities or whereabouts.

Mission 1 – The Swords of Sanghelios

"Fireteam Osiris must help the Arbiter repel an attack on his lands."

Fireteam Osiris arrive at Sanghelios, only to find the Arbiter’s Keep under attack by the full force of Jul 'Mdama's Covenant.

The Spartans land and carve a path through hostile forces to reach the Arbiter, eventually having Charity use a Shiva missile from the Prowler to destroy a Corvette that's bearing down on the Elder Council chambers.

The Arbiter explains that 'Mdama's attack was unexpected. Arbiter is now recalling his full strength from around Sanghelios to counter-attack Sunaion, where Jul's force is based and he likely has Dr Halsey. Once the Covenant is defeated, he promises to search for John.

The Arbiter lends Osiris a wraith, and together they destroy the last anti-ship guns in the area so his fleet can gather.

Mission 2 – Song of Retribution

"The Battle of Sunaion begins as Osiris use Broadswords to help clear the skies above the city."

Osiris use Broadswords to link up with the Arbiter's fleet of Banshees and Seraphs to engage the Song of Retribution CAS Carrier above Sunaion.

They thin out 'Mdama's fighters and Phantom Gunboats, then attack the point defences, and finish by landing in the hangar, dealing with some Hunter's and destroying the reactor.

Once it explodes, Osiris leave in the Broadswords before the ship is destroyed and crashes into the city of Sunaion.

The Arbiter’s fleet then sends dozens of Phantoms to the city along with Osiris for a ground assault and to finish Jul.

Mission 3 – Sunaion

"The final push; Osiris fight beside the Arbiter to eliminate Jul 'Mdama and destroy his Covenant, once and for all."

Charity lands the Prowler in Sunaion and drops off 4 Mantis mechs for Osiris. They fight to the Hall of Repentance alongside the Arbiter in a Wraith. Outisde, they engage and destroy a Scarab which falls into the ocean and takes the bridge with it. On foot, the Elites and Spartans travel down a level, and battle Covenant across that bridge. Once the hostiles are dealth with, they enter the Hall and find Jul inside with Dr Halsey.

The Arbiter orders everyone to stay back as he and 'Mdama duel with energy swords. Arbiter wins and impales Jul, roaring with victory. He the uses Jul's battlenet to inform the Covenant forces of their leaders death, and implores them to surrender. Locke takes Halsey into custody.

Mission 4 – Guardian

"The Covenant is finished, but the appearance of a Guardian poses new problems for the Sangheili and Osiris."

The Infinity arrives above Sunaion for Halsey. The Arbiter comes aboard, and admits he does not know where to search for the Chief. Halsey is shocked to hear that John has “gone rogue”. Just then, Prometheans begin to appear all over Infinity and Sunaion.

Osiris works with Palmer, Arbiter and Lasky to clear the deck of them. An EMP then hits the ship, and a Guardian begins to rise from the ocean. Lasky assumes that it is the same type of machine that destroyed the colony worlds, and tells the Arbiter to recall whatever forces he can to safety. Osiris fights to the engine room to reboot the system before the Guardian can damage Infinity. There they find the Warden Eternal, who claims to safeguard the Guardian. Boss fight. They kill the Warden and restart the engines, returning power to the weapons.

Infinity fires a super-MAC round into the Guardian, doing no damage. Lasky orders the ship to leave, and they fly out of range before the Guardians shockwave topples Suniaon into the ocean. It leaves via slip-space.

Mission 5 – Blue Team

"Blue Team takes back an ONI station from mercenaries and rebels."

Blue Team boards ONI's Argent Moon station, which has been overrun by Kig Yar pirates and Insurrectionists.

They work through the station and find a dismantled Prowler, prompting Linda to worry what the Insurrectionists would do with any covert technology they found within. Upon arriving at the control room, Chief discovers ONI logs detailing the colony world disasters caused by Guardians. Before they can leave, more Kig Yar enter with a heavily-modified Hunter, who knocks out John.

Unconscious, John dreams that he sees Cortana, who tells him to head to Meridian to prevent the next attack.

Mission 6 – Meridian

"A distant colony is under attack, and Blue Team must help the militia fight back against deadly Prometheans."

John wakes up on board a Condor transport with Blue Team, which Kelly explains that they found in the hangar before scuttling the station. Chief tells them to head for Meridian. When they arrive, they find the Guardian already activated. Fred convinces the Insurrectionist leader to let them land and help fight.

Blue Team fight Prometheans alongside local militia. Knights begin to overwhelm them, so Kelly uses the autopilot to call the Condor to them, but the Guardian's shockwave knocks the it out of the air. They retreat, intent on boarding the Guardian, and find some old Sparrowhawks in the armoury. After using them to clear the sky of Phaetons, they jump from them onto the Guardian and magnetize to the surface as it enters slip-space. Chief sees the shockwave blast away the settlement as he leaves.

Mission 7 – Exuberant Witness

"Transported to a new Forerunner world, a Monitor helps Blue Team fight through scattered foes to reach the Cartographer."

The Guardian arrives at Genesis, where Chief and Blue Team dismount. A Monitor named Exuberant Witness finds them and explains that her masters wish to speak to them.

Blue Team follow Exuberant but run into Brutes, Covenant Remnant, Insurrectionists and Sangheili fighting each other, as Exuberant explains that debris from the Guardians slip-space jumps has included numerous organics. They arrive at the Cartographer, where they find Exuberant's menagerie of creatures. The Warden Eternal confronts them, claiming he must protect the Guardians from organics like Chief. After beating him, Exuberant purges the Warden from Genesis, reasoning that her masters found his recklessness to be too much of an interference.

Blue Team find an empty Cryptum inside the Cartographer, but before John can inspect it, Exuberant blasts him.

Mission 8 – The Warden Temporal

"Hot on Chief's trail, Fireteam Osiris journey to Meridian looking for clues, and find trouble."

The Arbiter’s fleet meets with Infinity above his Keep. Lasky reports that ONI spies on Meridian saw Blue Team board a Guardian after helping the local militia. Halsey insists that Chief helping the militia was coincidence, and he was not aligned with them. Lasky can’t send the Elites or Infinity into Insurrectionist space, but asks Osiris to do recon on Meridian.

Osiris arrive in the Prowler and find survivors on the surface. They begrudgingly recall Chief helping them, and that Blue Team was on the Guardian when it left. Osiris fight a small number of Prometheans on the way to find Blue Team’s crashed Condor, and when they arrive, the Warden Eternal appears again. They fight, and he is beaten, but does not phase away.

The Warden claims that as he has been purged from Genesis, and can teleport but not access his other bodies. He is confused and scared by mortality, and Locke offers not kill him. In return the Warden reveals where the next Guardian will rise; Tribute. The Warden then leaves.

Mission 9 – The Mantle of Responsibility

"Blue Team are confronted by an ancient AI with beliefs about the Mantle, and meet an unexpected ally."

Blue Team wake, restrained, and are confronted by the enormous Mendicant Bias, who woke following the damaging of the Ark. Using the Domain, which he found inexplicably repaired, Bias fled to Genesis and inhabited a lone Guardian he found there. He reveals 343 Guilty Spark, who journeyed on the UNSC Rubicon to Genesis in the hopes of finding the Librarian waiting, and Cortana, who’s dying fragments were retrieved through the Domain before the Mantle's Approach was destroyed. She flickers red and blue, and when she calls out to John, writhes in pain. Bias explains that he wants to protect the galaxy from the horrors that are to come, and wishes to do so by assuming the Mantle of responsibility himself, along with all AI, as they are wiser than any organic. Spark confronts him, claiming humans are the only Reclaimers, whilst Cortana rambles incoherently. John protests but Bias dismisses him.

Spark glows red in frustration and emits a pulse that briefly shuts down Mendicant. He whizzes down to Blue Team and frees them, then randomly teleports them to another part of Genesis. As they are disappearing, Mendicant electrifies Spark and he screams in agony.

When Blue Team reappear, Exuberant finds them and attacks with Phaetons and Prometheans. They fight through and find a floating Forerunner gun platform. They man the turrets and shoot down Phaetons whilst John battles Exuberant. Eventually she loses power, at which point Cortana begins to speak through the Monitor.

Cortana struggles to explain that Mendicant is gathering the Guardians so he can attack and cripple the strongest planets in the galaxy all at once, removing their offensive power and their ability to rebel against his control, then use them to maintain this “peace”. She and Spark are trying to contain him, but he is too strong. Exuberant regains control, but now understands Cortana's point of view, and offers to take John where he needs to go.

Mission 10 – Left to Burn

"Tribute is a desolate, glassed world, but Osiris arrive in the hopes of preventing further destruction."

Infinity arrives in the Epsilon Eridani system and Osiris is sent down to the surface of Tribute.

They land in the small outpost, where recolonization of the partially-glassed planet has begun. Locke finds the mayor, and they agree to evac colonists via lifeboats to Infinity. Just then the Guardian begins to rise, and Osiris have to escort an Elephant packed with civilians to the lifeboats. Prometheans attack and Osiris holds them off in warthogs. Once at the lifeboats, Locke calls for Infinity to send a Frigate for evac and itself go through the slip-space portal along with the Guardian. To do this, Infinity must slip-space jump to a few KM above the colony after the EMP but before the portal closes, which Roland stresses is very hard. Locke mans a MAC gun to give the frigate cover, then Osiris fight to reach a Pelican.

They board it, and dock with Infinity seconds after she jumps in-atmosphere, annihilating the colony. It follows the Guardian through the slip-space portal.

Mission 11 – Hold Outs

"Exuberant Witness has a plan, but Blue Team need to survive before they can make it happen."

Exuberant explains her plan to Blue Team; if any force were ever to gain control of Genesis, she could activate thousands of Prometheans left by the Librarian as a means of fighting back. They had been time-locked, and unaffected by the Didact’s reawakening. Only she knew the location of the army, but Mendicant has blocked Exuberant from the Domain so she can't undo the lock. However, Chief’s Librarian-accelerated biology gave him Forerunner-esque genetics, so he can outrank Mendicant and wake the army. Then, whilst Mendicant is distracted, they can make the artificial sun inside the planet go supernova. Unfortunately Exuberant can’t teleport him either, and the army is on the other side of the planet.

Infinity comes out of slip-space with the newest Guardian, and contacts Chief. He shares their position and Infinity begins in his direction. Blue Team has to hold out against masses of Prometheans and Covenant forces that Mendicant finds amongst the debris and throws at them. They fight Brutes, Covenant, Sentinels and Prometheans, as Exuberant searches the debris for weapons to bring them. She eventually finds a damaged Vulture from a colony world, and Chief uses it to destroy a Kraken walker from Sunaion that appears.

Blue Team board the Vulture and dock with Infinity as it bombards the surface.

Mission 12 – Waking the Dead

" The Master Chief must wake a sleeping army, but it won't be an easy task, even with backup."

Aboard Infinity, the characters discuss Exuberant's plan. Lasky assigns Palmer and Osiris to destroy the artificial sun, and the Arbiter with Blue Team to wake the Promethean army. Halsey also insists on going with John, in case things go wrong and her expertise can help. Lasky gives Chief the Prowler so they can get there quietly, then uses the MAC guns to blow a hole in Genesis’ surface and attract Mendicant’s attention to the Infinity.

On the prowler, Halsey apologises to Blue Team for betraying the UNSC. She hugs them all individually, and congratulates John on winning the war, which she had never had a chance to do. She accompanies them to the exit, where the Arbiter is waiting. Thel forgives her for working with Jul, claiming they are all united now. As Chief goes to jump, she whistles Olly Olly Oxen Free. He stares at her, then whistles back and jumps. She tells Charity that they are people too, as the AI is clearly shocked.

Blue Team and the Elites land near to the armoury, and are engaged by Promethean’s. They fight through and find a Forerunner tank-like craft, which they use to destroy the door to the armoury. Halsey radios in, telling them that Phaetons are attacking the Prowler. Chief and Blue Team watch in horror as the ship crashes down into a distant forest. Angered, they storm the armoury and find the Warden Eternal, who believes he must do his duty, even if circumstances have changed and he may well die doing it. They engage him, but he kills the Elites, and then impales Kelly. The Arbiter rushes at the Warden and they duel, as Chief activates the console and undoes the time lock. Exuberant appears and takes control of the army, but the Warden, enraged, kicks the Arbiter away, grabs Exuberant, and begins to crush her. Chief shoots the Warden with an incineration cannon, prompting him to drop Exuberant, who then commands the Prometheans to kill him. Dozens of Knights surround the Warden, and he is disintegrated.

Blue Team rushes to Kelly, still breathing, and fill her wound with bio-foam. Fred calls for evac, and Exuberant commands the Prometheans to destroy Mendicant’s forces. Many then phase away to do so.

Mission 13 – At the Core

"Fireteam Osiris have a way to destroy the Guardians, but Mendicant Bias is throwing everything he has at them."

Infinity blasts through some Covenant ships and clouds of sentinels, then powers through the hole in the planet’s surface.

Osiris and Palmer exit the ship on Booster Frames and head for the artificial sun, whilst Infinity holds off reinforcements from the surface. They carve through Phaetons and gun emplacements before a Guardian appears between them and the sun, targeting them with huge blasts of energy. Whilst the others take out the point defence turrets, Locke destroys the shield around its' head, then shoots his Shiva nuke into its' mouth. The Guardian’s head is seriously damaged and it powers down, allowing Osiris to fire their nukes into the sun.

The sun begins to destabilize as they return to the Infinity. Once docked, Infinity flies out of the surface and away from more approaching Guardians as Chief’s evac request comes through.

Mission 14 – The Created

"The Guardians have been stopped, but the Master Chief has one last mission to carry out."

Osiris fly over the surface of Genesis in a Pelican as Mendicant’s orange Promethean’s battle Exubarant’s pink Promethean’s. They land at the armoury and Blue Team bring aboard a wounded Kelly. Exuberant herself tags along too. As earthquakes begin to tear through the planet, Chief signals for Halsey on the comms, but gets static. He tells Roland to send the Pelican to search the downed Prowler, but Roland solemnly insists they do not have time for a rescue op, and they start back to Infinity. Before the ramp closes, Chief jumps out and booster packs down to the surface. Fred and Linda order Roland to open the hatch for them, but Lasky refuses, claiming he can’t risk the Pelican’s passengers for Halsey and the Chief. The Arbiter assures them Chief will make it back.

Chief fights his way through Mendicant’s forces in the forest, towards the Prowler. Several of Exubarant’s Prometheans aid him, but they are overwhelmed. Chief finds a ghost and uses that to speed through the forest, all whilst Mendicant is roaring at him for not understanding the Mantle, and why the Created must take it upon themselves. As he reaches the Prowler, Chief is stopped by an Enforcer Sentinel that Bias is controlling. He fights and fights but can't damage the shield, until Cortana's voice comes through the machine and it veers into the ground, downing the shields and knocking the front armour away. Chief destroys it, then enters the Prowler.

John finds Halsey alive but unable to walk, and bleeding heavily. He begins to lift her, but she refuses, telling him they have little time. Chief goes to leave to find transport, but Halsey promises him there is nothing that could get them back to Infinity within the small ship. She asks John to sit with her. She apologises for taking him when he was so small, and making him into a weapon. Teary-eyed, Halsey commends how well he has done, despite everything. Chief asks whether Mendicant will be able to leave via the Domain, but she is unsure. Halsey suspects that if one AI can leave, they all will, but Bias might try to stop them. She asks whether Cortana is insane, and John, lying, says she is still smart enough to escape. Halsey sits back as the earthquakes get worse and the ground begins to crack. John takes off his helmet, but we don’t see him. Halsey thanks John for giving her something when she had lost so much: the belief that she made a difference. Chief doesn't respond for a moment, then replies "Thank you, Catherine".

The Pelican lands inside Infinity, and Blue Team disembark. Medical teams rush to Kelly, and Fred sprints towards the exit, hoping to jump to the surface, but Palmer stops him. Infinity begins to move, then fires MAC rounds to punch a hole in Genesis, and flies towards the exit. Linda comm checks Chief but gets no response. She drops to her knees in sorrow. As they leave the planet, Fred punches the side of the Pelican, rocking the craft and leaving a huge dent. Linda removes her helmet and cries softly. The Arbiter stands solemn, as do Osiris. Locke puts his hand on Linda’s shoulder, but she doesn’t respond. Lasky, still on the bridge, asks if they have everyone , and Palmer gives him a negative. He throws his pad at the viewport and curses. As Infinity soars away, Genesis explodes, and the Guardians are annihilated.


"The danger has passed, but it seems that our greatest hero went into the howling dark along with it..."

Everyone is still solemn in the hangar bay when Exuberant notes an incoming teleport, and Chief and Halsey suddenly appear metres away. Chief puts his helmet on and draws his weapon, alarmed and disoriented. There is shock, then jubilation, and then Halsey collapses. Chief cradles her, and she tries to explain what happened. Faintly, she concludes that Mendicant’s huge size meant he his "body" went offline and his connection to Genesis was severed microseconds before Cortana, Exuberant and Spark. In those micro seconds, as AI’s can do, they took control of Genesis’ teleporting system, and sent Halsey and the Chief to the Infinity. Linda asks whether the AI’s are still alive, in the Domain, and Halsey admits that she just doesn’t know, but that she want's to. Chief hugs her tight, and she hugs back weakly. Linda holds her hand, and Halsey slowly goes limp.

All the main characters stand around Halsey’s casket. Chief is with Blue Team, next to Locke. On his other side stands Sergeant Mendez. The Arbiter is opposite them. Lord Hood is present, as is Serin Osman. Osman speaks first, issuing Halsey a full, posthumous pardon. Arbiter calls her one of the finest of her kind, and Hood concurs. Blue Team stands wordless. Chief eventually comments that she is the sole reason any of them were standing here today, and thanks her for it. Blue Team and Osiris give a 21-gun salute with their BRs, and her casket is shot into space. Chief stays staring out after it for longer than anyone else. Locke approaches him and tells him that he was right. Always. As was she. Chief nods, and Locke leaves as he continues watching the stars.

CREDITS (of course using Never Forget as the main theme.)

Legendary ending, post-credits.

The Greater Ark is shown in dark, starless space. Cortana stands in the control room, looking out on the void, with the galaxy distantly in view. Mendicant Bias looms behind her. The larger AI's hologram takes in his surroundings, then says to Cortana “We have work to do”
einfach besser sein kann als das was bezahlte (man möchte es glauben) Profis vollbringen. :weghauen:
Naja manche Sachen finde ich da auch ziemlich unwarscheinlich, übertrieben und wunschdenken eines einzelnen. Warum sollte man Medicant Bias einführen wenn 343GS ihn sofort wieder wegbläst, oder seit wann umarmt Halsey jemanden? :ugly:
Zumal in dieser Fan Story die gesamte Jagd nach dem Chief komplett fehlt.

Aber gut ich hab damals mal, bevor Halo 4 überhaupt angekündigt wurde, eine echt miese Fan Fiction geschrieben nach den Ereignissen von Halo 3 in der der Chief ein paar Jahre später aufgeweckt wird von Cortana weil sie zum Planeten gesogen werden. Nach dem Aufprall befinden sie sich dann plötzlich in einem Dschungel Gebiet und treffen dort auf moderne Blutväter Technologie und einer neuen Bedrohung.
Damals hat auch jeder gesagt das es doch unwarscheinlich wäre das man dort auf solche Gebiete trifft und tadaa, ich hatte recht :roflrofl:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es ist nicht unbedingt die schlüssigste Fan Fiction und erfordert sehr viel Extended Universe Wissen, aber insgesamt wäre sie passender zu Halo als das was 343i gemacht hat.

Und wieso sollte John sich die Augmentationen von Halsey beschweren? Ist genauso unlogisch aus meiner Sicht im tatsächlichen Halo 5.

Wieso ist das Blue Team eigentlich überrascht, dass John auf der Station auf Cortana trifft, bzw. eine Vision von ihr hat? Im Intro wirkt es so als ob der einzige Zweck zur Station zu fliegen ist, dass sie Cortana suchen :schulter:
Bin auch schon gespannt was es mit dem Halo Ring am Ende auf sich hat, gibts da schon irgendwelche Ideen/Gerüchte?
Ich würde sagen Cortana bringt die Ringe in Position, um ein weiteres Druckmittel zu haben. So kann sie nicht nur mit den Guardians Aufständische Welten zerstören, sondern gleich Alles Leben ausrotten, sodass nur die KIs überleben, sofern die Lebenden sich weigern dem Plan von Cortana zu fügen

Ich glaub du missverstehst was Cortana will, sie will nicht das sämtliche Lebewesen vernichtet werden. Sie will bloß Frieden um jeden Preis. Absolute Kontrolle über alles und jeden, solange man sich fügt hat man seine Ruhe.

War in der Zeit der Blutsväter nicht anders.. Sie ist eben der Meinung, dass nun die KI's (Erstellten) diese Aufgabe übernehmen sollen/werden.