[Multi] Destiny - Das neuste Spiel von Bungie


Ich bin der Meinung, dass wir Bungies neues Projekt nicht aus den Augen verlieren sollten. Und da es gerade frische Infos dazu gibt, hier ein Bericht von Kotaku:

kotaku.com schrieb:
A Big, Leaked Update About The Next Game From The Halo-Makers At Bungie. Plus: More Gaming Secrets.
by Superannuation
Editor's Note: If people in the gaming industry really wanted to hide stuff, they're going to have to do better. The one and only Superannuation keeps digging and keeps finding gems. Today, on the day that 343 Industries' Halo 4 is out, Superannuation has a massive update about how Destiny, the next game from the people who made Halo is shaping up. And there's more about Beenox, Take Two and...Links??
Three weeks ago, a job opening appeared for a Vancouver-based senior online systems programmer for Bungie's technically-still-unannounced new franchise Destiny. While the studio is unnamed, it is presumably the satellite Vancouver office of Demonware, which handles the online infrastructure for Activision's titles and also lists Bungie as one of the firm's partners on its website.

Demonware's involvement is a tad interesting considering that the terms of the leaked Bungie-Activision contract suggested that Bungie is responsible for Destiny's server and service maintenance operations, and indicated they had some autonomy in choosing the datacenters for the game. Additionally, the Demonware posting mentions that a preference for PS3 experience for applicants, seemingly implying a PS3 SKU for the game is indeed in development—something that was not necessarily a given in the contract.

Until sometime in the past few weeks, among the first ten entries of Google results for a very simple search of Demonware and Bungie was a since-removed blog post (Google text cache pictured below, annotated for reference) about a visit to Bungie's headquarters for the studio's Bungie Day on what appears to have been a publicly accessible copy of Demonware's internal blog. Ironically, the confidential information-filled post has the warning that "If you cannot find [information contained within this post] on Google you should not talk about it to non Demonware employees."

The author, a senior Demonware employee, begins the post with a confirmation that the firm has indeed been involved with Destiny from the project's early stages, with a handful of principles helping with the game's features; however, very few people outside of Bungie—Demonware included—have seen the game in any sort of presentable state. The Bungie Day presentations would be the Demonware employees' first chance to get a real glimpse at the game.

His account of Bungie Day includes a remarkably frank description of the day's first event:

The day started in the Bungie offices (a converted cinema) with a bizarre "Knighting of the Noobs" ceremony, where anyone who started at Bungie within the last 6 months was presented with a signed wooden sword, and asked to kneel in front of Harold Ryan (President) while he read a pseudo oath, culminating in "be brave", a term they have trademarked for the game.

Following this, the group went to a local movie theater "for a few hours of presentations covering everything from game story, factions, art, engineering, tool chain, graphics, audio, player investment mechanisms, player progression, UI, and web and mobile apps." Many presentations featured video footage, but the author lists "a live scene walk through demonstrating lots of atmospherics, huge amounts of trees and foliage (SpeedTree), particle effects, dynamic lighting and dynamic time of day ending in a sun set" as the highlight of that portion of the day.

After the theater presentation, the Demonware employees got a chance to have some hands-on time with Destiny at Bungie's offices, with the author describing his experience with the game thusly:

This is not a dedicated server game, but there is some simulation and coordination running in their server infrastructure. The game was up and down a lot, playing in a team of 3 we did manage to experience entering a zone to find other players already taking on the bad guys, it's cooperative so we helped out (mostly [name removed], I just died) before both groups went their separate ways. Which is a pretty cool experience, making you feel you are part of a much larger populated world.

…At the end of the day I was excited about the game, I like the feel of being in a large world with different destinations and the interactions along the way. It actually brought back a sense of exploration I recall from playing [Elite] many years ago, although there was no opportunity to shoot aliens in the face in Elite. I'm not fully sold on the appeal of being able to change the colour of a weapon, but I guess it works in China, and customization and individual identity is a big theme for the game.

He also gathers that the general consensus from others is that Destiny is "still quite like Halo" and "there is a lot of work still to be done." And he concludes with a confirmation of an old rumor that the project previously codenamed "Tiger" is now referred to as "Destiny."

According to the copy on a Destiny-related marketing job posting at Activision's Santa Monica HQ from two weeks back, the publisher hopes to establish "the biggest new entertainment property in the history of video games." The leaked contract stated that the first game's budget could be as much as $140 million including marketing, and in any case, the game quite likely has one of the highest budgets for a new intellectual property ever.

With a massive budget and an apparent fall 2013 release date, it seems plausible that Activision would like to start building hype and officially announce this new franchise sometime soon. Perhaps in the coming weeks Geoff Keighley will tease a look at "Bungie's next universe" that will be officially unveiled at the VGAs?

* * *
A few months ago, Take-Two filed a fairly broad new trademark registration for "Links," presumably in relation to the long-dormant golf franchise owned by the company. One of three sports IPs acquired from Microsoft in late 2004, Links is the only one of those three brands (the other two being Top Spin and Amped) that Take-Two never actually brought to market; however, Indie Built, the Utah-based developer of the golf series, was working on an Xbox 360 version of Links prior to its closure in April 2006.

A new Links game wouldn't be the first time Take-Two released a new entry in a presumed-dead sports franchise after shuttering its developer—last year's Top Spin 4 was handled by Mafia creators 2K Czech, three years after Take-Two closed the PAM Development, the Parisian studio behind the first three Top Spin games. What form a Links revival would take is a bit of a mystery, particularly as 2K Sports launched its first free-to-play mobile and social games.

In May, Take-Two filed another new registration for another venerated albeit inactive franchise, "Midnight Club," primarily in relation to online and digitally-distributed products. The new filing could mean any number of things—Take-Two simply wants to protect the logo, some sort of digital re-release is on the way, or a perhaps even a mobile or free-to-play iteration of Rockstar Games' street racing series.

* * *
Several weeks back, reports questioning the future of Activision's current Spider-Man house Beenox popped up in the French-language Quebec City paper Le Soleil, prompted by founder Dominique Brown's decision to reduce his involvement in the studio's operations for the very first time in its history. While the province's favorable tax incentives suggest that a closure of any sort is unlikely, the studio does very much appear to be in turmoil.

Since the beginning of the year the Quebec City studio has lost: a programmer of seven years, a PR officer of four years, a concept artist of nearly four years, a game designer of nearly five years, a 3D animator of four years, a 3D artist of nearly three years, another programmer of nearly five years, an administrative assistant of four years, a game designer of seven years, a lead game designer, an associate producer of four years, a recruiter of five years, a lighting artist of three years, a producer of seven years, an art director, a lead narrative designer, lead level designer, another PR officer, another game designer, and an audio lead.

That is 20 out of around 170 employees at the two-team studio departing in 10 months. In addition, a Le Soleil report claims that a handful of ex-Ubisoft employees leading a new project that fell into disarray were recently asked to resign after their working methods apparently came into conflict with Beenox's corporate culture.


Bin schon sehr gespannt auf Destiny, am besten sollten Halo und Destiny im zwei-Jahres-Rhythmus erscheinen, sodass wir jedes Jahr etwas neues (und qualitativ hochwertiges) in unsere Xbox 8 (3/Infinity/the new Xbox) bekommen. :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Naja ich hoffe mal nicht, dass Destiny einfach Halo als Open-Wolrd-Spiel wird. Aber, da der Typ ja auch erwähnt hat, dass es ihn an Elite erinnert, was soweit ich weiß ein Weltraum-/Wirtschaftssimulator oder so ist, bin ich schonmal ein wenig beruhigt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also wen ein Shooter an Elite erinnert ist geisteskrank :ugly:

Das Spiel wird also nen Haloclone, ja genau auf sowas hat die Welt nach dem miesen Kreed, Breed und wie sie alle heißen ja nur gewartet...

few months ago, Take-Two filed a fairly broad new trademark registration for "Links," presumably in relation to the long-dormant golf franchise owned by the company. One of three sports IPs acquired from Microsoft in late 2004, Links is the only one of those three brands (the other two being Top Spin and Amped) that Take-Two never actually brought to market; however, Indie Built, the Utah-based developer of the golf series, was working on an Xbox 360 version of Links prior to its closure in April 2006.

A new Links game wouldn't be the first time Take-Two released a new entry in a presumed-dead sports franchise after shuttering its developer—last year's Top Spin 4 was handled by Mafia creators 2K Czech, three years after Take-Two closed the PAM Development, the Parisian studio behind the first three Top Spin games. What form a Links revival would take is a bit of a mystery, particularly as 2K Sports launched its first free-to-play mobile and social games.

In May, Take-Two filed another new registration for another venerated albeit inactive franchise, "Midnight Club," primarily in relation to online and digitally-distributed products. The new filing could mean any number of things—Take-Two simply wants to protect the logo, some sort of digital re-release is on the way, or a perhaps even a mobile or free-to-play iteration of Rockstar Games' street racing series.
Das hier ist viel interessanter, endlich nen neues Links!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wenn das neue Bungie game gut wird (im gegensatz zu reach) dann würde ich mir das zusammen mit der neuen Box kaufen.
Egal was für ein Game "Destiny" wird, der Soundtrack ist sowas von gekauft. Ich will einfach mehr neue Musik von Martin O'Donnell.
kotaku.com schrieb:
I'm not fully sold on the appeal of being able to change the colour of a weapon, but I guess it works in China
Haha das ist der beste Teil :ugly:

(ich denke mal als activisioninterner Online-Komponenten-Entwickler haben sie auch an CoD mitgewirkt)
Goil :woohoo:



Also mich habt ihr, bungie <3
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nett was neues zu hören. Sieht ziemlich nach Halo aus, wenn ihr mich fragt ^^

Ich brauche aber Gameplay, um ne Meinung zu bilden. Hoffe es wird nicht zu cartoonig optisch, und dann dieses Alien und die "Ritter"... könnte was tolles eigenständiges sein, hat aber auch großes Potential zur Geschmacksverwirrung ^^

Große Alienkugeln im Himmel sind aber schonmal nie verkehrt!
Also ich bin noch hin und her gerissen...
Zum gefallen mir concept arts wie diese sehr gut...

...zum anderen schrecken mich sachen wie “Destiny is designed for your inner seven year old. We want to make it feel like a mythic adventure.” und solche bilder eher ab!

Naja mal sehn was Bungie da zustande bringt...
Ich hoffe das etwas rauskommt das es mit Halo aufnehmen kann, rein Storytechnisch.
Und die Bilder und so weiter untermauern die Annahme doch auch. :)
Aber es würde mich auch interessieren, meinen die mit Mythic Adventure das entdecken von einem riesigen Universum, Verschwörungen, der Vergangenheit und der Wahrheit?
Wäre ja zu hoffen.
@calberto: also die letzten vier BIlder im IGN-Artikel (also auch das letzte in deinem Post) sind nicht von Bungie, die hat deren Werbeagentur zusammengebastelt. Da ist z.B. auch ein Concept von dem gecancelten C&C-Shooter mit reingebaut.

Also für mich sieht das ganze mehr nach ner Mischung aus Fallout und Star Wars als nach Halo aus. Auf jeden Fall sehen die Concept Arts ziemlich geil aus. :woohoo: Was mich eher stört ist das hier:
Destiny is further described as “fun and accessible to all,”
accessible ist oft das Code-Wort für CoDiges Händchenhalten. Könnte sich aber auch darauf beziehen, dass es von der Story her was für jung und alt sein soll, denn das ganze soll sich ja nicht nur auf Videospiele beschränken sondern halt wie Star Wars auch ein großes Franchise werden.
Aber das mit dem "designed for your inner seven year old" hört sich für mich eher positiv als negativ an. Und auch, dass es eher ein Teen- als ein Mature-Rating bekommen soll macht mir nichts aus. Wenn Entwickler davon reden, dass ihr Spiel erwachsen/für Erwachsene sein soll heißt das sowieso meistens einfach nur übertrieben viel Blut und ne Menge Titten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja ich weiß, hatte auch recht lange überlegt ob ich das Bild mit rein nehme aber unterm Strich ist es doch egal ob das von Bungie oder einer externen Agentur ist...die Grundidee wird schon von Bungie kommen und dieses Powerrangergehopse missfällt mir doch sehr! ;)
Touché :D
Wenn ich das Destiny Bild sehe spielt sich aber in meinem Kopf ein Film ab in dem die Fritzen in ihrem Gymnastikanzug in bester Mangamanier die anderen Typen mit irgendwelchen Karatekicks umbolzen :ugly:
Naja vllt habe ich ein wenig überreagiert aber das Design mit den komischen Umhängen und so ist immer noch nicht mein Ding.
Das Zitat mit dem "inner 7-year-old" ist wohl eher mit "kindlichem Erstaunen" zu übersetzen, sprich die Welt ist so obermega hammergeil, dass man da offenen Mundes draufglotzt wie als man als Kind das erste Mal Star Wars gesehen hat.

Bloß nicht zuviel auf das PR Geblubber geben! Ich warte mal auf erste Videos, ob es sich überhaupt lohnt, sich darauf zu freuen.
Auf eins freu mich auf jeden Fall schonmal, auch wenn es bis dahin noch dauern wird - Auf Bungies Vidoc. Die durchgeknallten Typen die sich selbst mega hochhypen und abfeiern reißen einen richtig mit. Gerade in der PR Präsi von sich selbst war Bungie immer sehr unterhaltsam, nicht so ein dröges Marketingsgeblubber wie bei H4 :ugly:

Bin echt mal gespannt was das Spiel wird, von den bisherigen Infos scheint es ja genau das zu werden, was das Ur-Halo mal sein sollte. First Person MMO, wo die Spielwelt durch die Spieler ein eigenes Leben erhält. Wenn sie aktuelle Trends weiterdenken, könnten sie wirklich Ihren "Game-Changer" hinkriegen, den sie ja schon seit H2 planen. Ein Sandbox Shooter, der aber nicht wie ein Borderlands mit generischen Inhalt gefüllt ist sondern den Spielern die Freiheit lässt und eine Story nur als Rahmenhandlung entlang führt, wäre doch sowas von Episch. Quasi eine Mischung aus Halo was Shooter angeht, Minecraft in der Freiheit und WoW vom MMO Suchten :sabber:

Ich frag mich nur wie oft man noch dieses Bild irgendwo finden wird.

Sieht mir aber mehr danach aus als seien viele der Artworks aus dem Presseblatt noch Platzhalter ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet: